Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office


August 14, 2018
Sharon Corrigan, County Board Chair 608.333.2285
County Board

Will convene Thursday at Indian Lake County Park


For the first time in modern memory, the Dane County Board will hold its regular meeting in a natural setting.


The Board on Thursday will gather at the new shelter at Indian Lake County Park off Wisconsin Highway 19. The meeting begins at 7 p.m.



“We thought this was a great way to highlight our wonderful county parks system and take advantage of the new shelter at Indian Lake,” said County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan.



Corrigan said she is hoping to start a tradition of holding some of the summer meetings outside the traditional location in the downtown City-County Building.


“It’s a way to break up our schedule and take our work out of Madison,” she said.


A major item before the Board Thursday is approval of a collective bargaining agreement with the Dane County Law Enforcement Officers Association.


The new one-year deal calls for a 1.25 percent pay hike for approximately 400 officers retroactive to Dec. 10, 2017. It also increases the sick leave pay bank and provides incentives for officers holding Associate or Bachelor’s Degrees.


“Our Sheriff deputies provide professional service and deserve to be fairly compensated,” said Patrick Miles, Chair of the Personnel and Finance Committee. 


Also Thursday, the Board will consider joining an amicus brief from Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. Planned Parenthood has gone to court to block new rules regarding family planning grants from taking effect, with the case now before the U.S. Court of Appeals.


In May, the Trump administration said it would resurrect a Reagan-era rule that would ban federally funded family planning clinics from discussing abortion with women or sharing space with abortion providers.


A group of municipalities including the cities of Austin, Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton and Seattle plan to file briefs in support of the Court granting an emergency injunction to stop use of the new rules. The resolution before Board Supervisors Thursday directs the Dane County Corporation Counsel’s office to join that effort.


“It’s in the interests of Dane County’s residents to make sure access to critical reproductive services are not limited by these new federal rules” said Corrigan.


The full Dane County Board meeting agenda is available at



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