Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

Airport Announces New “Fly Local” Campaign

April 04, 2017
Brent S. Kyzer-McHenry 608-661-6442

Madison, WI – Dane County Regional Airport (DCRA) launched its new "Fly Local" campaign on March 17, 2017. The public education and outreach campaign encourages travelers in South Central Wisconsin to fly out of the local airport to save time, enjoy the airport’s many benefits, and support local businesses in Dane County.


"Dane County Regional Airport continues to be a high-quality airport, providing a convenient and affordable experience for both leisure and business travelers" said Dane County Executive Joe Parisi. "We want to educate more people about the benefits of choosing to fly locally and strengthen our local businesses here in Dane County."


The FLY LOCAL campaign features online, outdoor, and print ads targeting Dane and surrounding Counties. A FLY LOCAL booth will also be exhibited at more than a dozen local events from spring through fall of 2017 including the Dane County Farmer’s Market, Dane County Fair, and Shake the Lake. The FLY LOCAL booth will feature social media contests, information on DCRA, and giveaway items. Travelers can also visit to pledge to FLY LOCAL and be entered to win a $250 Dane Buy Local gift card to be used at any of the organization’s member businesses.

DCRA recently became a member of Dane Buy Local, a non-profit organization comprised of Dane County businesses aiming to create a sustainable, vital local economy through education, collaboration, and promotion.


"We’re excited to highlight the many reasons to fly local out of Dane County Regional Airport while interacting with the community, " said Bradley Livingston, AAE, Airport Director. "This campaign is truly about developing relationships with our travelers and strengthening the many incredible businesses local to Dane County."

The Dane County Regional Airport provides seamless, low-stress, and affordable options for both leisure and business travelers, with more than 90 daily arrivals and departures. Non-stop service to twelve cities including: Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, Detroit, Denver, Minneapolis-St. Paul, New York, Newark, Orlando, Salt Lake City, and Washington D.C. which provides travelers with access to hundreds of worldwide destinations.

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