Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

Dane County Comprehensive Zoning Revision Under Way

July 21, 2016
Brian Standing, Senior Planner 608.267.4115
County Board

The Dane County Subcommittee for the Comprehensive Revision of Chapter 10 gets underway in earnest next month with the first-ever comprehensive revision of Dane County’s Zoning Ordinance.  Starting  in August, the subcommittee of the Zoning and Land Regulations Committee will hold  public meetings on a variety of land use topics, ranging from domestic beekeeping to mineral extraction sites to wind-energy systems (see schedule, attached).  Six of the meetings will take place in town halls around the county ,while six will take place at the City County Building in Madison.  “We need to make sure we hear from landowners, town government, the real estate community – everyone who might be affected by the new ordinance,” said Subcommittee Chair and District 20 Supervisor Dennis O’Loughlin, “that’s why we scheduled meetings in different locations, so everyone has an opportunity to provide input.”


The county Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 10, Dane County Code) governs land uses in unincorporated towns.  It was originally adopted in 1938, substantially modified in 1950 and has been periodically amended over the years since.  It has never been comprehensively revised.  “Committee members well represent the interests of citizens throughout Dane County.  I greatly appreciate their willingness to serve on this sub-committee.  Their efforts will have a long lasting positive impact throughout the county” noted Supervisor Mary Kolar, Chair of the Zoning and Land Regulation Committee.

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