Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

County Looks to Partner with Local Governments & Groups on Outdoor Recreation Improvement Projects

January 09, 2012
Joshua Wescott, Office of the County Executive (608) 266-9069 or cell (608) 669-5606
County Executive

Communities, Organizations Encouraged to Apply for Share of $500,000 in Dane County “Partners for Recreation and Conservation” (PARC) Grant Funding


Dane County communities and non-profit organizations that are considering projects to enhance outdoor recreation, conservation, and tourism are encouraged to apply for county “PARC” grant dollars, County Executive Joe Parisi announced today.


As part of the Dane County Partners for Recreation and Conservation (PARC) program, $500,000 in grant funding is available for Dane County cities, towns, villages, and non-profit organizations working on projects to enhance natural resources or improve opportunities for outdoor recreation.


“Partnerships help make bold visions reality and through working together - - the county, local governments, and non-profits - - we can continue to make sure Dane County residents have a high quality of life while preserving our natural resources,” Parisi said. 


Parisi noted the first year of this program was an amazing success as Dane County partnered with a number of groups to help fund a wide variety of projects.  They include:


  • Village of Oregon – Oregon to Badger State Trail Bike Path
  • City of Middleton – Pheasant Branch Conservancy Aquatic Habitat Enhancement
  • Madison Area Youth Soccer Association - Reddan Soccer Park Improvements at Badger Prairie County Park
  • Swamplovers Foundation – Oak Savanna Restoration on Ice Age National Scenic Trail property


“From biking and fishing to sporting events like soccer and everything in between, outdoor recreation brings in millions in economic impact to Dane County,” Parisi added.  “That’s why continuing the PARC program in 2012 was a priority for me and the county board in this budget.”


The county will begin accepting applications for PARC grants this month (January, 2012).  Applications will be accepted until April 2, 2012. 


Those interested in determining whether their projects are eligible for county PARC support are encouraged to contact the Dane County Land and Water Resources Department.  Detailed information about the program and application process can be found at:

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