Dane County 911 Center Dispatcher Named Wisconsin Telecommunicator of Year
May 08, 2009
Joshua Wescott, Office of the County Executive (608) 267-8823 or cell (608) 669-5606
County Executive
Association of Public Safety Communications Officials, National Emergency Number Association Honor Dispatcher Luis Bixler
A Dane County Public Safety Communications Center communicator has been recognized as the 2009 Wisconsin Telecommunicator of the year by international 911 industry associations APCO (Association of Public Safety Communications Officials) and NENA (National Emergency Number Association).
Luis Bixler received the honor recently at the 2009 APCO North Central Regional Conference. Bixler has worked in the Dane County 911 Center since 2005 and was recently promoted to the position of Communications Supervisor.
'Given his leadership, dedication to public service, and work ethic, Luis Bixler is most deserving of the prestigious honor of being named the top 911 dispatcher in the state,” County Executive Kathleen Falk said. “Our citizens are well served by the skills, training, professionalism and great work Luis and our 911 Center team offer all hours of the day and night, every day of the year.”
In addition to his work as a 911 communicator and communications training officer, APCO/NENA recognized Bixler’s work in handling a 911 call last September in which he assisted the spouse of a person who had collapsed perform CCR (Cardio Cerebral Resuscitation). Utilizing his training and experience and Priority Medical Dispatch protocol used by the Dane County 911 Center, Bixler’s actions were credited in helping the victim make a full recovery.
The Dane County Board of Supervisors recognized Bixler’s award as Wisconsin Telecommunicator of the year with a resolution in his honor Thursday night.
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