Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

County Executive Parisi: ‘Buy Local on Black Friday’

November 22, 2011
Casey Slaughter Becker, Office of the County Executive (608) 267-8823 or cell (608) 843-8858
County Executive

Applauds Efforts to Promote Local Purchasing 365 Days a Year


In advance of one of the busiest shopping days of the year, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi urged the public to buy local on Black Friday to help support local businesses in the area and return valuable dollars to the county’s economy.  Leaders and retailers from Dane Buy Local, a coalition that advocates for thinking local first, joined Parisi at the event.


“Eighty-six percent of the county’s businesses employ ten or fewer people,” said Parisi.  “By buying local on Black Friday, and throughout the year, we can support these working families, create and retain jobs in the area, and make a real positive impact on our local economy.”


According to the Andersonville Study of Retail Economics, $68 of every $100 spent at a locally owned business remains in the local economy, versus $43 from a similar purchase at other businesses.   These local purchases also contribute to Dane County sales tax revenues, dollars that fund essential human services for individuals and families, as well as other critical public services including snow removal, the 911 center, and the Dane County Sheriff’s Department.


"We all benefit when we shop local," says Colin Murray, President of Dane Buy Local. "Next time you shop, consider shopping at a locally owned business so more of your money has a direct and positive impact here in the local community. A list of locally owned businesses can be found at"


The County Executive also applauded efforts by Dane County Supervisor Kyle Richmond to encourage local government to buy local 365 days a year.  Richmond is the author of a preferred purchasing ordinance amendment that would help local businesses competitively bid for contracts through the county.  The ordinance was approved by the county board’s Personnel and Finance Committee Monday, and could be voted on by the full board as early as December 8th


"Support for local workers and businesses should be part of the basic economic strategy for local government," said Supervisor Richmond.  "I am hoping all Dane County Board members will support the local purchasing ordinance at our next meeting."

The ordinance builds on the county’s ongoing work to promote local businesses, such as a current effort to realize a regional food facility allowing local farmers to sell more of products and expand their operations.  In 2006, Dane County created the Institutional Food Market Coalition to link these local farmers and producers with large food buyers like universities, hospitals, hotels, and conference centers.  This effort successfully sold and delivered well over $1.5 million dollars of locally grown products to dozens of public and private sector users in 2010, creating dozens of jobs.

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