Celebrating Dane County’s 175th Anniversary: Kick-off Community Photo Album & Dane County Passpoort
February 21, 2011
Joshua Wescott, Office of the County Executive (608) 267-8823 or cell (608) 669-5606
County Executive
People Encouraged to Take Pictures of Favorite Sites, Scenes of Dane County
Dane County is kicking off two unique ways for families to celebrate the county’s 175th Anniversary, County Executive Kathleen Falk announced today.
“During these uncertain times, it’s even more important we take a little time to celebrate the many things that make our county great,” Falk said. “There isn’t a better place to live, work, and play than Dane County and I hope people take advantage of the many opportunities in the weeks ahead to celebrate our county’s big birthday bash!”
Friday February 25th marks the first of four “Days in Dane” - - days in which people are encouraged to photograph places or sights they feel best show how great of a place Dane County is to call home. Favorite photographs (one per person for each “Day in Dane”) can be shared for a community photo album that’s being developed.
A full rundown of how “Days in Dane” works, including directions on how to submit pictures for the community photo album, is attached.
In addition, families are now invited to get their “passports” to visit some of the county’s most picturesque attractions and take part in fun trivia. There are three “Dane County Passports” that are the keys to 12 separate natural attractions. Those passports highlight the Dane County Yahara Chain of Lakes, Early Settlers of Dane County, and the Glacial History of Dane County.
Three separate passports are available at the Dane County 175th Anniversary website located at: http://danecounty175.org/passport.aspx
A full rundown of events celebrating Dane County’s 175th anniversary are available at: http://danecounty175th.org