County Executive Falk Releases List of Veto Suggestions to Governor Doyle
July 15, 2005
Lesley Sillaman, 267-8823, 669-5606
County Executive
Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk today released a letter sent today to Governor Doyle urging him to veto certain items in the budget bill sent to him by the state legislature. Falk’s suggestions include asking the Governor to support restoration of some human service revenues in the Medicaid system and support for the reduction in the increased juvenile corrections daily rates charged to counties. This would enable the county to spend more money on youth in Dane County. Falk also urged the Governor to veto the property tax freeze in the budget (Falk supported the property tax freeze as proposed by the Governor). As proposed, the freeze would make it difficult for the county to provide necessary services and to take on some capital projects including highway projects and the new AODA-Huber treatment facility.
A copy of the letter is attached.
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