Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

County Executive Falk Announces 2006 Bicycle Path Program Grants

May 01, 2006
Lesley Sillaman, Office of the County Executive (608) 267-8823
County Executive

Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk today announced a total of $60,000 for 2006 in county matching grants for nine projects that improve bicycle paths or increase bike safety and path information in Dane County. “Biking is an important part of our recreation in Dane County, and with these grants, we can constantly be making improvements,” said Falk. “These grants help communities improve the projects that are most important to the citizens who live and work there.” Falk made the announcement jointly with Mayor Helen Johnson. Stoughton is receiving $3,600 to put toward paving of a section of the Yahara River Trail that has been difficult to maintain due to washout and drainage issues. “We are grateful for this grant, which will help us maintain a very popular trail,” said Johnson. Other grants will go toward constructing an underpass below Mineral Point road for students crossing in the Town of Middleton, a new path in the Village of Oregon, improving signage on the Sun Prairie trails and creating a rest and information area along the new Badger Trail in Belleville, and purchasing sandwich signs to be used during biking events in the Town of Vermont. The grants are administered by the Dane County Public Works, Highway and Transportation Department. Attached is the full list of the grant recipients and project descriptions. 2006 Dane County Bike Grants City of Madison $15,000 Pedestrian-Bicycle Safety Coordinator Program: Dane County has consistently supported this position to improve biker safety and education. City of Stoughton $3,600 Paving Yahara River Trail: This grant will help fund the paving of a section of the Yahara River Trail that has been difficult to maintain due to washout and drainage issues. City of Sun Prairie $5,000 Bike Path Signing: This project involves the placement of sings including trail identification and warning signs on bike paths within the City of Sun Prairie. Town of Middleton $14,100 West Middleton Elementary School Underpass: This project will construct an underpass below CTH S/Mineral Point Road near the West Middleton Elementary School. This underpass would permit safe crossing of this busy County Trunk Highway. The Town received $15,000 for this project last year. Town of Vermont $750 Bicycle Event Temporary Safety Signs: This grant will fund the purchase of temporary sandwich signs that could be posted during bicycle events in the township to warn motorists of the activity. Village of Belleville $4,000 Badger Trail Information Kiosk, Benches, Picnic Tables, and Bike Racks: This project will construct a rest and information area along the new Badger Trail. Village of Blue Mounds $2,050 Bike Path Connector – Military Ridge Bike Trail to Smokey Mountain Development: This project involves the construction of a bike path between the Military Ridge bike trail and the Smokey Mountain Development located along the south side of CTH ID. Village of DeForest $500 Bike Trail Maps: This grant will fund the design and production of bike trail maps within the Village. Village of Oregon $15,000 Off Road Bicycle Path Along CTH CC: This new path would follow CTH CC and connect the Village’s Parks and proposed west side school with the existing Villages bike path system and with the future designated County system. ###
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