Falk Announces 2006 County Budget Decisions and Signing
November 10, 2005
Lesley Sillaman, Office of the County Executive (608) 267-8823 or cell (608) 669-5606
County Executive
Madison – Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk today signed, with no vetoes, the 2006 county budget. The $427 million budget includes an operating budget of $403 million and a capital budget of $23 million.
The Dane County Board of Supervisors approved the budget Wednesday night (11/8/05) in the first of two scheduled meetings for deliberations.
Each year Falk’s budget sets a levy ceiling. This past year, Falk’s budget operates within a new framework, with the Governor and State Legislature-passed “property tax freeze”, which limits the increase in the county’s levy to the growth in property valuable attributable to new construction. In Dane County, that limit is 4.2%. Based on this limit, the tax rate for Dane County taxpayers falls from $2.70 to $2.55. Under this budget, the average county property tax increase on a Madison home of $222,928 is $14.
“I appreciate the County Board’s hard work and cooperation on the budget,” said Falk. “Working together we have increased public safety, preserved human services programs and protected our natural resources for Dane County citizens.”
“Supervisor Richard Brown, as Chair of the Personnel and Finance Committee, was fair and effective in working with supervisors with different political beliefs to create good compromises on some difficult issues,” said Falk. “Supervisor McDonell, the board’s Vice-Chair, did some great work to improve some key public safety and human services programs.”
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