Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

Falk Announces New Press Liaison

December 10, 2004
Sharyn Wisniewski, 267-8823
County Executive

Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk today (12/10/04) announced that she has hired Lesley Sillaman to serve as her Executive Assistant and Press Secretary. Falk said: “Lesley will do a great job of helping the press and citizens get accurate, timely information about county government. I’m impressed by her intelligence, energy, and integrity.” Ms. Sillaman has served as Press Secretary for Congresswoman Rosa L. De Lauro of Connecticut. In 2002 and 2004, she worked in the press operations of the Wisconsin Democratic Coordinated Campaign - in 2004 as Press Secretary and in 2002 as the Communications Director. Ms. Sillaman’s B.A. degree is from the University of Dayton; her Master’s in Communications is from the University of Pennsylvania. While at Pennsylvania, Ms. Sillaman was a research assistant for Dean Kathleen Hall Jamieson. Dean Jamieson is one of this country’s most respected professors of journalism and is a frequent contributor to PBS’ McNeil-Lehrer Report. Ms. Sillaman will start work on January 10; her salary will be $64,929. # # #
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