Falk Requests Birth To 3 Assistance
June 29, 2004
Dave Carlson, 242-6424
Topf Wells, 266-9069
County Executive
Today (6/29/04) Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk asked the Joint Finance Committee to support the transfer of funds to the Birth To 3 program in fiscal year 2004-05 in order to protect families and disabled children from unexpected federal cutbacks. The letter supports a proposal advanced by Helene Nelson, Secretary of the Department of Health & Family Services, at the direction of Governor Jim Doyle.
In the letter, Falk notes that counties, which are mandated to operate the program, will face the prospect of cutting services or increasing county funding if the Committee does not support Nelson’s proposal. Currently, because state and federal funding has not kept pace with the continually increasing number of families entitled to Birth To 3 services, Dane County spends $725,000 in levy to support the program.
Falk’s letter is attached.
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