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Dane County Board Recognition of Disability Pride Month and BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month

July 19, 2024
County Board Chair Patrick Miles, (608) 8869167
County Board

                                                                Approved resolution Authorizing Acceptance of a USDA Forest Service Grant

The Dane County Board of Supervisors recognized Disability Pride Month at last night’s Board meeting. Disability Pride Month was first celebrated solely on July 26th, the day when the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was first signed into law in 1990. In 2015, Disability Pride Month was established more officially when New York City mayor Bill de Blasio declared July Disability Pride Month.

Disability Pride Month serves to celebrate the many contributions people with disabilities have made to the world, as well as to dismantle stigmas against disability and to establish disability as a natural facet of human diversity that should be treated with pride and respect. Finally, Disability Pride Month raises awareness of the difficulties people with disabilities undergo in their day to day lives, whether that be being treated equally or navigating exclusionary infrastructure.

“Disability Pride Month is a uniting time for people across all kinds of cultural divides, with disability being an identity shared regardless of gender or sexuality, race or ethnicity, age or citizenship,” said Supervisor Doolan (District 28). “This month allows us to appreciate the many ways people with disabilities make the world a better, more accessible place for us all.”

Read more about Disability Pride Month at

The County Board also recognized July 2024 as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Mental Health Awareness Month.  The resolution indicates that the County Board commits to supporting efforts that promote mental health awareness, education, and culturally competent care within BIPOC communities.

The resolution can be found here: 

Additionally, the Board approved a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a $1,500,000 grant for two forestry initiatives. The first initiative will create two Arborist project positions for 4.5 years, and the second will widen the opportunities of the Operation Fresh Start crews working on Dane County Parkland to include hands-on experience in urban forestry management.

Supervisor Chawla (District 6) said of the grant, "Dane County has a strong mutually beneficial partnership with Operation Fresh Start where youth learn forestry skills as well as receive education, mentorship and training while maintaining and improving Dane County park land and trails. We look forward to investing in this partnership to prioritize our goals of conservation and to fight for climate resiliency."

The overarching goal of these initiatives is “to increase tree planting and urban forestry maintenance on Dane County Park properties located in disadvantaged communities across Dane County” per the resolution. 

The grant is funded by the Inflation Reduction Act and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Urban & Community Forestry Program. 

Read the resolution on the USDA Forest Service Grant at

Dane County is an equal opportunity provider.

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