Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

Soak up the Rain: Low-Cost Rain Barrels for Sale

June 07, 2023
Christal Campbell, (608) 228-4493
Land & Water Resources

Soak up the Rain: Low-Cost Rain Barrels for Sale

Did you know that about 600 gallons of rain run off a 1,000 sq. ft. roof during a 1-inch storm? All that runoff washes down our storm drains carrying trash, dirt, oil and other pollution to our local waters. Rain barrels are a great way to capture some of that runoff and protect our lakes and streams. Harvested water can be used during dry spells to water lawns, gardens, and potted plants, which helps conserve water and reduce your water bill!

Dane County and the Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership (MAMSWaP) are selling 50-gallon rain barrels at a discounted rate of $74 (typically retails for around $150). This program is open to all Dane County residents and businesses. If you live in a MAMSWaP community, you are eligible to apply for an additional $30 reimbursement. Rain barrels will be available for pickup at the Middleton Recycling Center and Deforest Yardwaste Collection Site during normal operating hours for those facilities.

For more information on how to order a rain barrel, and how to apply for available reimbursement programs, please visit: Your actions have a Ripple Effect on our waters!


About Dane County Land & Water Resources Department 
The Dane County Land & Water Resources Department works to protect and enhance Dane County’s natural, cultural, and historic resources. It provides the county’s residents with a broad array of accessible, high quality resource-based recreational services and facilities, and supports residents, communities, local governments and other agencies and organizations in their resource management and protection activities.

About Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership
MAMSWaP is coalition of Dane County municipalities and organizations working together to promote practices that reduce and improve stormwater runoff into Dane County lakes, rivers and streams.


Media Contacts:
Christal Campbell
Stormwater Education Coordinator
(608) 228-4493


Claudia Guy
Water Resources Engineer
(608) 800-2017


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