Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

County Board Announces Upcoming Budget Meetings

October 04, 2022
County Board Chair Patrick Miles, (608) 886-9167
County Board

Every October and November, the Dane County Board of Supervisors reviews and makes amendments to the following year’s budget as proposed by the County Executive. County Executive Parisi released his proposed 2023 budget on Monday. With the release of the budget, the County Board and the Committees of the Board will begin review and action on the budget.


Meetings of the seven standing committees will take place throughout October, wherein they will hear from members of the public and County staff on their budget requests. A schedule of the committee budget meetings is available here, and a description of each of the standing committees is available here: Meeting agendas with any budget amendments will be posted on the County’s Legislative Information Center:


The full County Board will hold a public hearing on the budget as proposed by County Executive Parisi on October 19th at 6:00pm. The meeting will be held in a hybrid format with members of the public able to attend in person or virtually.


The Board anticipates taking public comment on the budget on November 3rd following Personnel and Finance Committee action on the budget earlier in that week. The Board will then begin budget deliberations on November 7th.


"Determining next year’s budget priorities is among the most important work the County Board does," said County Board Chair Patrick Miles. "While the decisions we make are for an annual budget, those decisions are investments in our future and are felt for years to come. I encourage members of the public to attend meetings or share their input with their Supervisors on this important effort." said County Board Chair Patrick Miles.


Members of the public are encouraged to attend committee and Board meetings to share their priorities for the coming year. Additionally, the public is able to find who their Supervisor is with the "Find my Supervisor" tool available here:


Additionally, the Board will meet this Thursday, October 6 as a part of the regular meeting schedule. The hybrid meeting will take place at 7:00pm, the agenda is available here:


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