Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

Sherff Barrett's Statement on Supreme Court Decision

June 24, 2022
Elise Schaffer, PIO, (608) 284-6142
Sheriff's Office

The United States Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade is an emotionally charged issue, with strong feelings on each side of the decision. In response to the decision, the Dane County Sheriff’s Office is calling for peace in our communities. We support the right for everyone to peacefully protest, but violence of any sort will not be tolerated. 

As law enforcement, we have a constitutional obligation to enforce the law, despite our personal opinions. With that said, considering our limited resources, our top priority is deterring and solving violent crimes in our Dane County community.

“As your Dane County Sheriff, I have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and enforce laws in a fair and impartial manner. I do have to prioritize my limited resources to focus on crimes that most directly affect the people I serve. These crimes include, gun violence, homicides, sexual assaults, vehicle thefts, human trafficking, impaired driving, and domestic violence to name a few. The Dane County Sheriff’s Office does not have the resources nor expertise to investigate medical professionals conducting medical procedures in medical facilities,” stated Sheriff Kalvin Barrett.

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