Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office


March 03, 2022
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

At tonight’s County Board meeting, the Dane County Board of Supervisors will consider a resolution ( to purchase 65.5 acres of land in the Town of Black Earth that is adjacent to Morton Forest.


If approved, the land will be purchased for $725,000 plus miscellaneous costs from the 2022 Dane County Conservation Fund budget. The Land and Water Resources Department intends to apply for State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Knowles Nelson Stewardship grant dollars to offset the purchase price.


County Board Supervisor Michele Doolan (District 28) said "I’m pleased that we have this opportunity to add additional acreage at Morton Forest. It’s a beautiful park that I’m happy to see more people gaining easier access to in the future."


The Dane County Conservation fund was established in 1990 in response to a growing need for protecting natural and cultural resources thought the County. The fund supports acquisition efforts, both independently and in concert with other governmental units and the private sector, in areas of the parks, open space, natural resources and other unique features. Many of the acquisitions receive supporting funding from the State Department of Natural Resources and other nonprofit conservation organizations. The County has implemented programs of sharing opportunities with a number of agencies. This program has assisted Dane County Parks in preserving more than 8500 acres of key park and natural resource lands over the past years. The 2022 capital budget included $4 million in the fund.


The land purchase adjacent to Morton Forest would provide increased access on the east side of Reeve Road that has made previous access difficult due to steep slopes.


Maps of the property can be found here:


"We’re fortunate to have such beautiful parks and open spaces in Dane County. It’s always great to hear from the community about how great our parks are and the array of recreational opportunities they provide. This is a great addition to Morton Forest," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher.


Also at the meeting, the Board will consider a resolution ( that would transfer Riley-Deppe County Park to the Village of Marshall. The 13-acre park is located on the Maunesha River on the western side of the Village and features picnic areas, a shelter facility, play equipment and a shallow boat launch.


"We’ve talked about this transfer for many years, Riley-Deppe has always functioned more as a local park than a county park and this will let the local community decide what amenities they need.  It is a great park and I’m pleased that it will continue to provide opportunities for people in the Village of Marshall and the surrounding area," said County Board Supervisor Dave Ripp (District 29), who is also Chair of the Dane County Park Commission. 


Discussions between the Village and the County have been going on for many years and they have been working on steps to ensure the transfer is seamless. As a part of the transfer, the County will provide funds in the form of a Park Improvement Grant of up to $100,000 to assist the village with costs for additional infrastructure improvements at the park. Additionally, with the transfer to the Village, the name of the park will remain Riley-Deppe Park, the land will always be open for public recreation, no entry fees charged and always provide access to the water.


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