Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office


October 27, 2020
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, 608-571-6823
County Board

Committee meetings an opportunity for public to provide input on budget


Dane County’s Personnel and Finance Committee is scheduled to take up the 2021 Dane County budget this week.


The Personnel and Finance Committee is a standing committee of the Dane County Board of Supervisors. There are six other standing committees: Zoning and Land Regulation; Executive; Health and Human Needs; Public Protection and Judiciary; Environment Agriculture and Natural Resources; and Public Works and Transportation. Each of these committees have met over the last few weeks to hear from department heads on their budget requests, receive testimony from members of the public, and make recommendations on any budget amendments to be sent to the Personnel and Finance Committee.


More information on the County’s budget process can be found here:


The Personnel and Finance Committee will be meeting Tuesday and Wednesday this week to review any amendments to the budget and hear testimony from the public.


"As the Personnel and Finance Committee makes recommendations to the County Board on spending priorities for the coming year, we need to hear from members of the public on what their priorities are for the next year.  In a tight budget year, it is critical to hear what is most important to the residents of Dane County," said Supervisor Patrick Miles (District 34) and Chair of the Personnel and Finance Committee.


The meetings are scheduled to include amendments by the appropriate oversight committee.

Tuesday 10/27


  • Environment, Agriculture, and Natural Resources Committee oversight
  • Zoning and Land Regulation Committee oversight
  • Public Works and Transportation Committee oversight
  • Executive Committee oversight

Wednesday 10/28


  • Health and Human Needs oversight
  • Public Protection & Judiciary Committee oversight


The Personnel and Finance Committee will also meet next week to make a recommendation on the budget to the full County Board.


The County Board will start budget deliberations on November 9th.


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