Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

Dane County Regional Airport Taking Next Steps to Address PFAS

May 06, 2020
Amy Tutwiler, 609-266-4355

Madison, WI – Dane County Regional Airport (DCRA) has received additional testing results of per- or poly-fluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) concentrations within the airport stormwater system. This extensive testing identified high levels of PFAS in some known discharge outfalls as well as detections in areas where PFAS was not identified before. The results will be available on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources website:   

These tests provide crucial insight into source areas of PFAS contamination and will help guide future mitigation efforts. While additional mitigation efforts are being planned, DCRA will begin with a pilot project at Outfall 021, an area near Truax Field accounting for 59% of the total PFAS compounds detected during testing.

The project will provide the opportunity to test a new mitigation technology. Significant monitoring of the project will allow for the evaluation of its effectiveness. In the event of a successful pilot project, this method may be deployed to other outfalls located on Airport property. 

DCRA will also continue investigating areas with high levels of contamination and areas recently found to be contaminated as part of an ongoing effort to identify how PFAS entered the airport stormwater system. 

The current COVID-19 pandemic has limited the Airport’s operational abilities and has interrupted investigation and mitigation efforts. COVID-19 also compelled the County to cancel plans for a public meeting. That meeting is currently being rescheduled as a virtual public information meeting and more information will be available soon. 

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