Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office


September 16, 2019
Sharon Corrigan, County Board Chair - 608.333.2285
County Board

At their meeting today, the Alliant Energy Center Redevelopment committee will hear from Strang, a nationally respected multidisciplinary engineering firm selected to complete the pre-design work for the five components of Phase 1 outlined in the Alliant Energy Center master plan, completed in 2018.


The pre-design work will build on the work of the master plan by determining specific functions and space needs in the Exhibition Hall. 


Strang engaged in an intense information-gathering effort to determine the specific needs and expectations of staff, customers, event planners, vendors, and other stakeholders who were invited to provide input and direction.


The presentation to the committee on Monday will be Strang’s first presentation of their preliminary work with a more robust presentation and detailed budget estimates expected in October. 


“Dane County has built Alliant Energy Center campus redevelopment initiative step by step over the last few years, from a market study, to a visioning effort, to the campus master plan.  It’s exciting to see this momentum.  We look forward to hearing from our consultants and seeing the results of their pre-design work,” Said Sharon Corrigan, County Board Chair, and Chair of the Alliant Energy Center Redevelopment Committee.

In addition to focusing on the expansion of the Exhibition Hall, Strang’s pre-design work will also include the other pieces of the Phase 1 redevelopment outlined in the master plan including: creation of a main plaza area, installation of a storm water management practices, additional parking, relocation of the arena building, and creation of a ring road around the campus.
“The master plan process provided a ballpark estimate for the proposed redevelopment,” explained Corrigan. “With the level of detail we will get from this pre-design work, the committee will be better prepared to advise on next steps related to funding opportunities, including private investments, county funding, and eventually - we hope - state funding.”


The committee will meet at 3:00 pm Monday in the Board Room of the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center.

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